
This is a library to calculate Voronoi cells and access their information.

Basic Process

  • Create a Container object, using information about your system.
  • Access the Cell methods to get information about them


>>> from tess import Container
>>> c = Container([[1,1,1], [2,2,2]], limits=(3,3,3), periodic=False)
>>> [round(v.volume(), 3) for v in c]
[13.5, 13.5]
class tess.Container(points, limits=1.0, periodic=False, radii=None, blocks=None)

A container (list) of Voronoi cells.

This is the main entry point into the tess module. After creation, this will be a list of Cell objects.

The Container must be rectilinear, and can have solid boundary conditions, periodic boundary conditions, or a mix of the two.

>>> from tess import Container
>>> c = Container([[1,1,1], [2,2,2]], limits=(3,3,3), periodic=False)
>>> [round(v.volume(), 3) for v in c]
[13.5, 13.5]
  • points (iterable of iterable of float) – The coordinates of the points, size Nx3.
  • limits (float, 3-tuple of float, or two 3-tuples of float) – The box limits. If given a float L, then the box limits are [0, 0, 0] to [L, L, L]. If given a 3-tuple (Lx, Ly, Lz), limits are [0, 0, 0] to [Lx, Ly, Lz]. If given two 3-tuples (x0, y0, z0), (x1, y1, z1), limits are [x0, y0, z0] to [x1, y1, z1].
  • periodic (bool or 3-tuple of bool, optional) – Periodicity of the x, y, and z walls
  • radii (iterable of float, optional) – for unequally sized particles, for generating a Laguerre transformation.

A list of Cell objects

Return type:



Voronoi Tesselation

A point \(\vec x\) is part of a Voronoi cell \(i\) with nucleus \(\vec{r}_i\) iff

\[\left|\vec{x}-\vec{r}_{i}\right|^{2}<\left|\vec{x}-\vec{r}_{j}\right|^{2} \forall j\neq i\]

Laguerre Tesselation, also known as Radical Voronoi Tesselation

A point \(\vec x\) is part of a Laguerre cell \(i\) with nucleus \(\vec{r}_i\) and radius \(R_i\) iff

\[\left|\vec{x}-\vec{r}_{i}\right|^{2}-R_{i}^{2}<\left|\vec{x}-\vec{r}_{j}\right|^{2} - R_{j}^{2}\forall j\neq i\]

Get the size of the box.

order(l=6, local=False, weighted=True)

Returns crystalline order parameter \(Q_l\) (such as \(Q_6\)).

Requires numpy and scipy.

  • l (int, optional) – Defines which \(Q_l\) you want (6 is standard, for detecting hexagonal lattices)
  • local (bool, optional) – Calculate Local \(Q_6\) (true) or Global \(Q_6\)
  • weighted (bool, optional) – Whether or not to weight by area the faces of each polygonal side


For local=False, this calculates

\[Q_l = \sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2 l + 1}\sum_{m=-l}^{l} \left| \sum_{i=1}^{N_b} w_i Y_{lm}\left(\theta_i, \phi_i \right) \right|^2}\]


\(N_b\) is the number of bonds

\(\theta_i\) and \(\phi_i\) are the angles of each bond \(i\), in spherical coordinates

\(Y_{lm}\left(\theta_i, \phi_i \right)\) is the spherical harmonic function

\(w_i\) is the weighting factor, either proportional to the area (for weighted) or all equal (\(\frac{1}{N_b}\))

For local=True, this calculates

\[Q_{l,\mathrm{local}} = \sum_{j=1}^N \sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2 l + 1}\sum_{m=-l}^{l} \left| \sum_{i=1}^{n_b^j} w_i Y_{lm}\left(\theta_i, \phi_i \right) \right|^2}\]

where variables are as above, and each cell is weighted equally but each bond for each cell is weighted: \(\sum_{i=1}^{n_b^j} w_i = 1\)

Return type:float

Converts 3D cartesian coordinates to the angular portion of spherical coordinates, (theta, phi).

Requires numpy.

Parameters:xyz (array-like, Nx3) –

Column 0: the “elevation” angle, \(0\) to \(\pi\)

Column 1: the “azimuthal” angle, \(0\) to \(2\pi\)

Return type:array, Nx2
tess.orderQ(l, xyz, weights=1)

Returns \(Q_l\), for a given l (int) and a set of Cartesian coordinates xyz.

Requires numpy and scipy.

For global \(Q_6\), use \(l=6\), and pass xyz of all the bonds.

For local \(Q_6\), use \(l=6\), and the bonds have to be averaged slightly differently.

  • l (int) – The order of \(Q_l\)
  • xyz (array-like Nx3) – The bond vectors \(\vec r_j - \vec r_i\)
  • weights (array-like, optional) – How to weight the bonds; weighting by Voronoi face area is common.


This calculates

\[Q_l = \sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2 l + 1}\sum_{m=-l}^{l} \left| \sum_{i=1}^{N_b} w_i Y_{lm}\left(\theta_i, \phi_i \right) \right|^2}\]


\(N_b\) is the number of bonds

\(\theta_i\) and \(\phi_i\) are the angles of each bond \(i\), in spherical coordinates

\(Y_{lm}\left(\theta_i, \phi_i \right)\) is the spherical harmonic function

\(w_i\) are the weights, defaulting to uniform: (\(\frac{1}{N_b}\))

class tess.Cell

A basic voronoi cell, usually created by Container.

A Voronoi cell has polygonal faces, connected by edges and vertices.

The various methods of a Cell allow access to the geometry and neighbor information.


A list of the areas of each face.

Return type:A list of floats. Each inner list corresponds to a face.

A list of the indices of the vertices of each face.

  • A list of lists of ints. Each inner list corresponds to a face, and each index corresponds
  • to a vertex from vertices().

The id of the cell, which should generally correspond to its index in the Container.


Maximum distance from pos() to outer edge of the cell (I think, see voro++ documentation.)


Return a list of the neighbors of the current Cell.

This is a list of indices, which correspond to the input points. The exception to this is the walls: walls are numbered -1 to -6, so an index less than 0 in the list of neighbors() indicates that a Cell is neighbors with a wall.


A list of the areas of each face.

Return type:A list of 3-tuples of floats. Each tuple corresponds to a face.

The position of the initial point around which this cell was created.


The radius of the particle around which this cell was created.

Defaults to 0.


A list of all the locations of the vertices of each face.

Return type:A list of 3-tuples of floats. Each tuple corresponds to a single vertex.

Cell volume